Monday, October 14, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful time of the Year: HALLOWEEN!!!!

First off, I love the month of October for two big reasons: fall and Halloween!!!! The crispness of the weather, the snuggling into sweaters and scarves, the falling leaves are just a few examples of what I love about fall, espiecally after last year in Texas with no fall. I also love Halloween. The dressing up, jack-o-lanterns, and the parties. So much fun.

This year, fall hasn't been too fall like yet but this week will be perfect. Rob and I are doing a date night on Wednesday during the day and I can't wait to be outside in the cool air. Friday night we're going to Hannah Haunted Acres with Jaime and Will which will put me in a very Halloween mood. Saturday we have 2 things planned. First off, we're going to the pumpkin patch with the Gambinos and McFarlands. I can't wait to get our pumpkins!! And the 2nd thing we have planned for Saturday is the Leece's Halloween party. I can't wait to wear our costumes that we put so much work into.

Another huge reason I love fall is because of football. Yeah, so football goes from August to like Februaury but October and November are the best months for football in my opinion. Rob and I were lucky enough to get amazing tickets from his Uncle Woody for the Colts vs Seahawks game and we took my mom and Rob's stepmom. It was so much fun and the view was amazing. The best part, I got to eat the nachos that I have waited so long to have again. And the Colts won!

Here are a few pictures:

These are my two favorite players: Reggie Wayne and TY Hilton.
This is going to be such an exciting week. I cannot wait to add photos and share are experiences with you all.
Have a wonderful fall day!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Having a hard night...

It has now been 18 months since Rob and I started trying to have a baby. Every time I get to a place where I'm determined and positive I always have a melt down and just get super sad. I'm tired of feeling like I constantly want to cry. I am literally crying at some point every day. 

It's been 2 months since we have been able to try because of the surgery I had. With everything I've dealt with medically over the past year, I'm so ready to be pregnant already with a lasting pregnancy. I'm so ready to make Rob a daddy.

I continue to see other people so happy about being pregnant and having a family and I just can't be happy for them right now. I want to be happy for them but it literally feels like I'm dying on the inside when I find out someone else is pregnant.

Please let this be our last month of trying. Please let us have our sticky, rainbow baby!!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back home again in Indiana

I can't believe it has been over 6 weeks since I had surgery and almost 4 weeks since we came home. Time has flown by.

We're staying with my mom while Rob looks for a lab tech job and works at Target. We have no cable and no Internet  which sucks but we are making do.

I haven't been able to post pictures of the graduation but here's one I took on my phone. I am so very proud of Rob and all the hard work he put in during those 14 months!!

Our last dinner in San Antonio was at The Lion And Rose. Celebrating his graduation and celebrating being able to go back home.

Moving day was bittersweet but it was just one more chapter in our lives. We're ready to begin this next one.

A few photos from the road.

One of the things we missed during our year away was eating the top tier of our wedding cake on our anniversary. Rob's grandmother kept it in her freezer and at a family get together, we finally got to try it. Delicious!!!! Two thumbs up a year later to Piece of Cake in Greenwood.

Speaking of weddings, now that I'm home I've been able to spend time with one of my best friends and plan her wedding. One big thing we got done was getting her wedding dress and picking the bridesmaids' gowns! It was so fun and I'm so glad and honored that she waited until I came home to experience it with her!!

We've been super busy trying to catch up with friends and family over the last few weeks. Being able to spend time with them means so much to us after having a year away. There is so much we have missed but hopefully we'll make up for it all.

I'm handling everything better than I thought I would have. We were expecting to bring home a bundle of joy to Indy and sadly we couldn't. I was afraid to be around friends and their babies and children for the simple fact that it really makes me sad. I have to say, I've handled it pretty well and only had one occasion where emotionally it became very hard. I look forward to the day where I no longer have this fear.

Hope you all are doing well. If you're in Indy and have yet to see us, let me know and we'll plan something!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ending a chapter

It's so hard to believe that 2 years ago around this time we heard it might be a possibility that Rob would need to change his MOS. The Army was downsizing and his promotion in his position would never happen. Finding a program that I was able to go with was a challenge and everything seemed scary but exciting because we would be together. 

Breaking the news to our friends and family a few months later that we would be moving was hard but we all knew how important it was. I actually remember telling our parents when it became official with when and where we would be going. Rob's parents were over at his grandmother's house and I'm sure we all wanted to cry as we stood in the kitchen. My mom found out while we were packing up her house to move to a new house. I had received a phone call from Rob while we are packing up her fridge and I'm pretty sure I was holding eggs.

One year isn't long but at the same time it can seem like its an eternity. With no friends and family to rely and lean on, it forces a couple to be dependent on each other. We were away from our families for the first time. We were in our first year of marriage. Rob was in a very stressful schooling program. We had 2 miscarriages. We were homesick. Any of these reasons is enough to make things challenging. We had to learn how we would make it through them together.

One year ago, two newly weds made the move. In that year, they met every obstacle together. They struggled together. Although this past year can be briefly explained as a nightmare, we made it together. Was it my ideal first year of marriage? No! But it showed us that together we are strong. It challenged us everyday to work and improve on our marriage. Are we perfect from experiencing all of this? Far from it. But we know that if we can make it through big problems and troubles, we can handle the little ones.

And although I complain a lot about our time here, we had some great times as well. Our trips to Houston, Austin, and Corpus Christi were so much fun. We explored San Antonio and enjoyed many great local restaurants. We met some great people and we know we made some life long friendships.

I can't believe we are done. Rob graduated today. He is officially done with the Army aspect of this trip. Tomorrow they load up the truck and we will be on our way back to Indy. Back to family. Back to friends. Back to home. What an interesting chapter this has been in the Book of Morrow. 

Have a great day and weekend!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August Photo Challenge Day 17

Day 17: an animal

This is my new little snuggle buddy from my husband. Rob brought him home to me on Friday so I can snuggle him when I don't feel well. He's so adorable!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

August Photo Challenge Day 16

Day 16: work

This is my work that has to get done this weekend. We have a friend coming into town on Sunday and the moving company surveying the apartment on Tuesday so we need to do a quick clean up. I was thinking I would vacuum today but I'm still a little concerned about doing anything that'll either hurt or cause problems with my surgery. Maybe I'll sweet talk to hubs into doing it. Glad I did all the hardcore cleaning before my surgery.

Anyways, it's Friday. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

August Photo Challenge Day 15

Day 15: colorful

My dad and his family sent me flowers on Tuesday. They are so pretty and the combination of daisies, carnations, and roses are just so happy looking. Orange roses are my favorite flower and I love how they look with the pink daisies. Thanks again to my family! Love you guys!