Thursday, September 26, 2013

Back home again in Indiana

I can't believe it has been over 6 weeks since I had surgery and almost 4 weeks since we came home. Time has flown by.

We're staying with my mom while Rob looks for a lab tech job and works at Target. We have no cable and no Internet  which sucks but we are making do.

I haven't been able to post pictures of the graduation but here's one I took on my phone. I am so very proud of Rob and all the hard work he put in during those 14 months!!

Our last dinner in San Antonio was at The Lion And Rose. Celebrating his graduation and celebrating being able to go back home.

Moving day was bittersweet but it was just one more chapter in our lives. We're ready to begin this next one.

A few photos from the road.

One of the things we missed during our year away was eating the top tier of our wedding cake on our anniversary. Rob's grandmother kept it in her freezer and at a family get together, we finally got to try it. Delicious!!!! Two thumbs up a year later to Piece of Cake in Greenwood.

Speaking of weddings, now that I'm home I've been able to spend time with one of my best friends and plan her wedding. One big thing we got done was getting her wedding dress and picking the bridesmaids' gowns! It was so fun and I'm so glad and honored that she waited until I came home to experience it with her!!

We've been super busy trying to catch up with friends and family over the last few weeks. Being able to spend time with them means so much to us after having a year away. There is so much we have missed but hopefully we'll make up for it all.

I'm handling everything better than I thought I would have. We were expecting to bring home a bundle of joy to Indy and sadly we couldn't. I was afraid to be around friends and their babies and children for the simple fact that it really makes me sad. I have to say, I've handled it pretty well and only had one occasion where emotionally it became very hard. I look forward to the day where I no longer have this fear.

Hope you all are doing well. If you're in Indy and have yet to see us, let me know and we'll plan something!!

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