Monday, March 25, 2013

Birthday Scavenger Hunt

I've been working so hard on putting this together. Here is a sneak peek into Rob's Birthday Scavenger Hunt.

Here's the note that Rob will find in the morning. The first clue is taped onto the back of it.

One of Rob's many surprises. What's a birthday without a fun birthday hat?! I made this very special one for the very special man in my life. Do you think he'll actually wear it? Yeah, I don't think so either but if he does, I'll have the camera ready!!

And this is the very special gift that I have been working on for a few months now. The picture on the left is when it is all folded up and it looks like a book or a card. The middle picture is while I was working on it. Our friends and family were assigned a letter and they were to take a picture of themselves with that letter. They were able to make the letter out of whatever they wanted. Very creative they were! So when it is all opened up, it reads "HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY". And the picture on the right is a little message to Rob and is on the back of the card when it is all folded out. I'll be posting the instructions to make this under my "Crafts" page.
This is the first surprise Rob will be getting. I am so happy that our grocery store still has helium since no one else does around here. And yes, they're in the bath tub. Where else would they fit?!

I said I was going to buy 2 cupcakes instead of cake but I guess I was wrong. Rob asked me to make a German Chocolate Cake. And how can I say no to him?! I added some coconut that I colored blue with food coloring and then decorated with one of the containers of colored icing that comes with the little nozzles. I might not be the next famous cake decorator but I put the effort in for my man and I'm sure he'll love it!! This is his very last surprise. I'm super excited!

Hey, it's his last year of being in his 20s so I think it should be just as important as hitting a new age that ends with a "0".

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