Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Recap of the Birthday

Rob is now officially 29 years old! What a great morning it was. He got up early to take the dogs out and then went back to bed. I got up, made Monkey Bread and coffee, set up the Scavenger Hunt, and decorated the house a bit. Only problem we had this morning was the goo in the monkey bread running out of the bundt pan into my oven. I thought my house was on fire for a second! That soon cleared up and the greatness returned!!

But eventually I woke him up and left a note on the bed for him to read (the start of the hunt) and he chuckled because right away he knew what was planned!! The balloons made it through the night in the bath tub. He said he knew that they were there because I wouldn't let him use that bathroom for fear he might look in there. Plus, he never closes the shower curtain so he was suspicious why it was closed. His comment was, "What else would be in the shower other than balloons?" I tried to tell him it was a mariachi band but he didn't believe me.

And I got him to wear his special birthday hat that I made him!!!! He didn't wear it for long but at least I got a picture!!

And then he opened his gift that our friends and family helped me with. He had no idea what it was when he unwrapped it but once he untied the bow, and started pulling the pages, he said, "That's awesome" with tears in his eyes. I don't think there is a bigger tell that someone likes a gift than when they have tears in their eyes, unless they are sad tears than maybe it's not so good. He espcially liked the kids being included. And he said it was his favorite gift, which is big since he also got a new PS3 controller which he's been asking for.

I think he had a great start to his birthday. Hopefully work won't be too bad. And after work, he'll have meatloaf to come home to!

Hope you all have a great day as well!!

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