About Mr. and Mrs. Morrow

I truly believe that Rob and I have the best love story of all time. It might have taken us years to get around to US, but in the end, it worked out.

May 12, 2007

This is the day I first laid eyes on my future husband. Did I know then that one day I would be marrying him? No, not at all. I was 19 and a baby in the world and he was 23 and much wiser in the ways of the world.

We were both attending a wedding that our best friends were apart of. His best friend, my best friend, and the bride are siblings. He had grown up with them so it was a no brainer that he was attending. I, on the other hand, was there to keep my best friend company (I also brought the cake and ice). We had one "moment" that was far from picture perfect. The moment I saw him I thought he was cute. So what did I do? I tried to break the ice with some corny joke (no, I don't remember what I said) and he pretty much ignored me.

Memorial Day Weekend 2007

Rob and I both were raised in Indy. And if you know anything about Indy, one of the most important events in the city is the Indy 500. The entire month of May is devoted to the festivities. And they are everywhere!!!

Well, that weekend was a first for the two of us. It was the first time we hung out. Let's just say there weren't exactly sparks flying between us at that moment. :)

I was hanging out with my best friend and Rob with his at a bar enjoying said festivities. The guys ended up drinking too much and needed a ride home. We went and got them and spent the rest of the night laughing at the 2 drunk guys in the living room. Not really a huge stepping stone to me eventually becoming Mrs. Morrow. But, it did remind me that I thought he was super cute!!

Between this time and the next event, it was pretty uneventful. We talked to each other online and randomly saw each other at get togethers but we were far from dating. I do have to say, I had a huge crush on him and it pretty much continued until we started dating.

July 2008

Depending on who you talk to, the Brickyard 400 might be considered our first date.

Rob had tickets and needed someone to join him. My best friend suggested he take me because I was into NASCAR at the time (Tony Stewart fan for life!!). He picked me up, we had breakfast, and then we spent the day together at the track. I have heard that he thought it was a date. In my eyes, it technically wasn't since I was dating someone at the time. Looking back now, I do consider it a date...LOL

Once again, time passed  and we did see each other randomly. Just not much was happening with us.

December 31, 2008

I was hanging out with my best friend for New Years Eve at her house when she found out Rob had no plans for the evening. We invited him over to help us ring in the New Year. Once again, my crush on Rob was evident!

We began texting each other but still weren't really working towards anything.

The First 6 Months of 2009

A week later was my best friend's 21st birthday and Rob was invited to go out with us. That night sparked something in Rob and he actually asked me out.

Our first date picture!
Our first date or our second first date, whatever you want to call it, was one interesting night. He asked me to go to a concert. I love music, which he knew, but apparently he didn't know I hated rap music since that is what the concert ended up being.
A few weeks later, Rob asked me to come over and watch the Super Bowl at his apartment. I did but it was the most awkward night of my life. He sat on his couch and I sat on the love seat. It was nothing more than two friends hanging out.
Our next outing was to another friend's 21st birthday party. Flirting was galore but nothing really happened still between us.
Enjoying spending time together but nothing more.

Once again, months pass with us seeing each other at BW3s for our almost weekly summer get togethers with friends. We were both working and had our minds on other things.
Halloween 2009
(I swear, we're almost there!!)
At this time, I was dating someone who was invited to a Halloween party. I wanted to go because it sounded like fun to dress up. When we arrived, the guy who answered the door I recognized as one of Rob's friends. To my surprise, Rob was also attending the party.
This is the face I would soon fall in love with.

I didn't stay at the party long that night but I did manage to ask Rob to attend my Halloween party the following week.

 Here we both are. Who would have thought we were would eventually get married?

That night pretty much ended the last relationship I had before dating Rob. When he found out that I was now single, he hounded me until I finally agreed to hang out with him.

December 13, 2009

Rob emailed me and told me that I had no choice but to attend a Colts game with him. On December 13th, we traveled downtown to Lucas Oil Stadium for our real first date (if you're still keeping tabs, this is what I consider our 3rd 1st date).

Us at the Colts vs. Broncos game.
 After the game, Rob came back to my house where we ended up watching a movie. Unlike the previous time we watched something together, we were sitting beside each other on the couch and enjoyed the closeness.

The next few weeks made us realize we really wanted to try a relationship. We were nervous to go down this road because we had been friends and we had people connected to us that we might chance losing if it didn't work out.

This was my 22nd birthday. Rob surprised me that morning with orange roses on my front porch. This was also the night of our first kiss.
The more time we spent together and talked, the more we knew that we were willing to take the chance.

New Years Eve 2010
January 17, 2010

Rob finally asked me to officially be his girlfriend. Best day of my life!!!

The next year passed quickly. Before we knew it, we were in love and ready to begin planning our future together. In October of 2010, Rob's best friend got married and pushed us to start talking about getting engaged and getting married.

May 7, 2011

I was not expecting the day to turn out the way it did. It was suppose to be a simple day downtown with me cheering on Rob as he ran the Mini Marathon. Soon, more and more people were coming downtown to hang out with me while I waited. I thought people just wanted to spend time with me... :)

I was so happy to be cheering him on. I was so blind at what would happen a few hours later.
While waiting, Rob's aunt began talking to the news crew and they ended up letting us stand in the media pit to cheer Rob on. Once again, I was blind to the fact that anything was going to happen. I just thought his aunt knew the people. And I thought the camera guy was following me around because he liked my sign.
Rob crossed the finish line and I began screaming like crazy!!! Finally he spotted us in the pit. He jumped the fence, fell because the grass was wet, but managed to still get down on one knee. After running 13.1 miles, he popped the question...On our local news station!

There were plenty of cameras to catch our big moment. And duh, I said yes!

Being interviewed after was unreal.
  The shirt Rob had made (he had this on under his shirt he ran in. I wasn't that dumb).
The next year was spent planning our big day and getting used to living with each other. Finally, after over a year, our big day arrived!!!
May 26, 2012
After much planning, I walked down the aisle in front of our closest friends and family to the man of my dreams. We said our vows and became Mr. and Mrs. Morrow.

That brings us to where we are today. Presently living in San Antonio, TX for Rob to attend school through the Army. Our first year of marriage hasn't gone as planned but I wouldn't want to be experiencing our lows and highs with anyone but him.

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