Sunday, January 27, 2013

What a Weekend

So I couldn't be happier because Rob came home Friday night from the field. I made an awesome dinner (Jalapeno Popper Chicken, I'll link the recipe to the I Love Food board). It was so nice just sitting with him and having a very yummy meal!! I missed him so much!!!

Saturday was our First Date of our 12 Months of Dates (I posted pictures under that tab). We spent a few hours looking at Kohls for a new dress for me. Everything I tried on was weird or suppose to be tight (J-Lo dresses are made to be rather slutty in my opinion even though they are cute on the hanger). Rob was a trooper; he helped me look for a dress and sat while I tried them on. He kept going to find me new dresses. I was so proud of him. So finally, I was about to give up when I found a dress, in my size, that I thought might be it. I tried it on and loved it. It reminds me of a typical 1940s-1950s housewife evening out dress. Then I realized, this is the fashion I have always loved and really need to start shopping for clothes that match this era because it fits me!!! For our date night, I did my hair in similar housewife-evening out fashion and wore my pearls. Oh, and did I mention this dress was marked for $64 and I spent about $17 on it? I love Kohls, their sales, and additional coupons we recieve!!!

The Cheesecake Factory held up to my expectations!! I orderd something like New Orleans Shrimp or something and it was A-MAZ-ING (just finished the leftovers as a lunch)!! Rob got a steak and mashed potatoes. They served it with two funnel cake battered onion rings on top which were so good! We ended up bringing the cheesecake home because we were soooooo full from dinner. We stopped by RedBox and rented Looper which ended up to be a really good movie. I for sure know that we will be going back for another date night at the Factory!!

As for today, we are watching The Help, doing laundry, and relaxing! One more day to spend with the hubs before he goes back to school tomorrow and starts studying again. Now, I'm gonna go make a second pot of coffee because it is one of those days!!!

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