Monday, April 15, 2013

Another Busy Weekend

Well I guess it is now officially Monday. This weekend went too fast. And the only reason I'm not upset is because I get one more day with my honey!

Friday night we had our date night (12 Months of Dates). I am not a fan of it being on a Friday. Next month and from here on out, it will be on a Saturday. Go check that page out to read about that.

Saturday, Rob had to get up early for flag detail. We stayed up when he got home and I made us some coffee and breakfast. Before too long, we were both falling asleep on the couch so we went and had a nice nap at like 10 am. We eventually pulled ourselves out of bed so we could clean up the apartment for our company. Between cleaning and preparing food, I squeezed in my first book club discussion on The Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder. Not a bad book but not near his best work. After flag detail, Rob's friend Jason came over for dinner and we watched Zero Dark Thirty together. A totally different movie than I expected but it was still good. Once again, it was an early night for us. With Rob getting up at 3:30, it's hard to do anything in the evening because he's so tired.

Sunday was much more relaxed. Rob still had to go in early and in the afternoon, but I actually slept in. He was back home when I decided to wake up. He made us some very yummy buttermilk pancakes. In fact, we have enough batter to make some more tomorrow morning (technically it'll be breakfast time within a few hours). After breakfast we went shopping for my new book for book club.

We found it at the second store we went to. I started reading it as soon as I got home. Not a bad book so far.

And Nick, one of the main characters, says Missoura like me! That really made my day.
After the book store and some coffee, I talked Rob into going to Shoe Carnival. His running shoes for PT are really starting to fall apart and we've been on the search for new shoes now for a few months. Believe it or not, he found some he really liked. Pumas, like his lovely wife suggested months ago. Anyways, they cost more than he wanted to spend but I answered the trivia question correctly to spin their wheel thing to save some money. And, if we bought shoes that were a certain price or more within the next 15 minutes, we saved even more. Well, since we were going to be saving so much money on his shoes, I thought I should be able to at least look at shoes for me. And once I tried some on and liked them, I talked Rob into letting me get them. What a loving husband that guy is! And then, once we got up to the register, we got a military discount which means my shoes were pretty much free!
So these are my new yellow wedges for summer! I think they're super cute.
After shoe shopping, we had lunch at Wendy's and then headed home. The rest of the day was spent hanging out on the couch (minus the 2 hours Rob was gone for evening and his final flag detail).
Tomorrow we're taking the dogs to the dog park and that's all we have planned so far. Hopefully the day will consist of doing stuff again so I can get out of the apartment since Tuesday through Saturday I'll be alone in the apartment doing nothing. Rob's getting Monday off since he has to work this coming Saturday. That means he only gets one day off next week... boo...
Oh, and last weekend I planted some Forget Me Not seeds so I could have something living on my porch, and they've started sprouting!
The top picture was taken Saturday and the bottom was taken Sunday. I can't wait until I actually get some flowers!
Ok, well I guess I'm going to go read and hopefully fall asleep soon. These sleepless nights are starting to drive me crazy.
Have a great week!!

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